Monday, February 4, 2013

Man vs Mud

September 1st 2012. We did this with Bryce's work and the time definitely didn't even matter. They weren't interested in really running at all, but this was a blast! I will definitely do this again.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Race for the cure 2012

I love to run for a cure so when my neighbor and friend Anna invited me to run the Race for the Cure to support breast cancer I couldn't say no. Anna was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago and has done an amazing job at beating it. I was also lucky enough to run the race with another neighbor/friend of mine which made it a lot more fun.
They don't time you for this race which was probably just fine because there were a ton of people walking the 5k and we had to walk for a few minutes and then run off to the side to get around them. I tried to use an app on my phone to help track my time, but due to Pandora freezing up on me I closed it down and had to restart so I think my time was about 32 minutes.
It felt great to run another race and even more so that it was for a great friend.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Operation 61 5K

I have to say that this has probably been one of my favorite 5K's. My mom ran with Bryce and I and it was her very first one. She ended up finishing before us and I am so proud of her. Jayda was also there at the end with my dad cheering us on. This was operation 61's first annual race and I think they did a great job, the t-shirts were as nice as the one I got for the Salt Lake Marathon, the prizes were awesome (my mom won a $150 photo shoot!) and it was a lot of fun. I am definitely going to do this one again next year, and hopefully improve my time by about 10 minutes. I struggled through this race for a number of reasons which I won't go into, but it can only go up from here I guess!

Distance: 5K
Time: 38 min 22 sec

Monday, May 4, 2009


There is a huge gap in between my last run and what will be my next, but I have a good excuse. Being pregnant makes it a little difficult to do a lot of things, let alone train for a race but I have to say that I am almost seven months pregnant and can still run a mile.
So, sorry for the neglect blog, give me another six months and I will hopefully be posting again.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Utah Down Syndrom Foundation 5K

Saturday September 27th, 2008
Place: Centerville
Distance: 5K
Time: 30:27

Bryce's first race. This race benefited the Utah Down Syndrome Foundation

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wasatch Woman

September 6, 2008

Distance: 10k

Time: 1:09:32

Pace: 11:12/M

This race felt awesome. The only major drawback was the heat and the massive hill we had to climb up twice. Without that hill my time would have been much better. My favorite part was having Bryce there to cheer me on. :)

This race went to benefit SPEAK- Students Promoting Eating disorder Awareness and Knowledge and was held at the UofU.

Top of Utah Half Marathon

September 23, 2008
Distance: 13.2 Miles
Time: 2:49:03

I waited another two years to run a race. The marathon was awesome, but I had distractions in those two years. I met Bryce a few months later and we were married 8 months after that. Since then we have bought a town home, I switched jobs, and we have adopted two dogs.
The half marathon was a month earlier than I thought it was, but I am so glad I ran it anyway. I have regained focus and remember why I love running so much and why it is so addicting.